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Wednesday, October 16, 2019

The Saturn in Astrology

In Vedic astrology, Saturn planet is known as Shani, the one that moves slowly named after the Roman God of Wealth and Agriculture. According to me, it is the most misunderstood planet amongst all. Even though it is considered a natural malefic planet, yet it can be regarded as a strict teacher who not only punishes you when you are wrong but also rewards on you being righteous. It represents old, matured and wise people, servants, and labour class. It also signifies pain, sorrow, misery, hurdles in life, struggle in achieving desired results, delays or even denials in worst cases. It is the planet responsible for duty, commitments, sacrifices, discipline and also routine work. Saturn has a major role to play when it comes to determining the longevity and health of the person. It also represents boundaries and limitations (as you know Saturn has a peculiar ring around it signifying the same).

#Despite being a natural malefic planet, Saturn is the karaka(significator) of wealth. Yes, it is responsible for the earnings that you accumulate by your karmas. It makes you work towards your goals to gain wealth.

Astronomical/Scientific significance of the Saturn. 

Saturn is the sixth planet from the Sun and fourth from our planet Earth. It is the second-largest planet after Jupiter in the Solar System. It has 9 times the radius as that of Earth's with only one-eighth of latter's density. However, it is almost 95% of Earth's volume. It is a giant gas that lacks proper structure and predominantly composed of hydrogen and helium. It has a peculiar feature i.e. Rings around it which is mostly the clouds of ice particles.
It is on an average of 1.5 billion kilometres away from the Earth and takes 29.5 Earth years for one revolution around the Sun.

Astrological significance of the Saturn.

Saturn is amongst the most dreadful planet astrologically especially due to it's Sade-Sati and Dhaiya where it stays in one sign for seven and a half years and two and a half years respectively (will be talking about this in detail in subsequent posts).
Mythically, Saturn is the son of Lord Surya (Sun) and his wife Chhaya (the shadow of his wife Sandhya). Saturn has a strained relationship with his father Surya (Sun).
Saturn stands for justice and lessons learned from the deeds whether good or bad. It makes us suffer hardships in order to balance our sins and then rewards us as well. Unlike Mars, wherein hardships and sufferings can mould native to resort to unethical means such as theft, dacoit, etc., Saturn transforms the native to spirituality and piousness as now the person realises that the sufferings are nothing but the outcome of his own karma.
It makes you work for something you desire to achieve so that you perform karmas to enjoy the fruits from its execution.

Below are certain facts related to the Saturn:

Planetary Cabinet: Servant

Planetary Nature: Malefic

Planetary Complexion: Dark

Planetary Deity: Lord Brahma

Relationship Governed: Servants, Old people

Sex/Gender: Neuter

Elements: Air

Planetary Caste: Shudra

Planetary Abode: Spot for Filth

Planetary Taste: Astringent

Planetary Period: Year

Planetary Directional Strength: West

Guna: Tamsika

Physical Appearance: has an emaciated and long physique, honey-coloured eyes. Is windy in temperament, indolent and lame & has big teeth. Coarse and rough hair.

Transit: 2.5 years

Direction: West

Day: Saturday

Metal: Iron

Gemstone: Blue Sapphire

Body Parts Ruled: Wind, bile, head, neck, teeth, legs, bones, organs, ears, hair, knee, etc.

Friendly Planets: Mercury, Venus

Inimical Planets: Sun, Moon, Mars

Neutral Planets: Jupiter

Own Sign: Capricorn, Aquarius

Mooltrikone Sign: Aquarius 1-20 degrees

Exalted Sign: Libra 20 degrees

Debilitated Sign: Aries 20 degrees

Mahadasha: 19 years

Ruling Number: 8(eight)

Natural Significator: 6th, 8th, 10th and 12th houses.

Profession/Career Associated: Lawyers, judges, Drivers, hard-working physical jobs, labour, servants, iron & steel industry, metallurgical jobs, carpentry, brick/tiles/glass factory, Dentists, footwears, government service, armoury, coal-mining industry, oil-digging jobs, leather factory, brothels, beggars, black magic and arts, agricultural jobs, contractors,etc.


Native with strong Saturn has a very hardworking nature. Full of perseverance, determination and honesty. Such a person never fails to give 100% to his duty, commitment and responsibilities. Strong Saturn makes the person wealthy and rich by making him work towards his goals. Mature, wise, punctual, unbiased, truthful, ethical and has conventional or traditional ways of leading life. Loves to be in routine jobs and pursue these with full integrity. Has disciplined life with a higher sense of loyalty and seriousness. Have lots of servants to their duty and righteously deals with them. Respects elderly people and have loving relationships with them as well. Very often, such a native is a bit strict and harsh on himself and his commitments.

#Strong Saturn sometimes makes a person work towards his goal so relentlessly that he isn't able to explore the fun side of life. It can make native workaholic and his close ones often have to face his wrath on being unable to keep up with his ways.


Afflicted or weak Saturn makes the person lazy and an escapist. He faces lots of struggles and miseries in life for achieving what he desires for. Often faces delays in important events of life and it becomes very challenging for them to accumulate money despite putting lots of hard work. Suffers penury in worst cases. Bad relationships with old people in the home and unable to keep servants. Chronic illness is common to such native. Gives mental distractions, distress, depression, pessimism and solitude. Such a person can even resort to addictions and overindulgence so as to relieve stress but it altogether worsens the situations more as Saturn wants you to work hard but due to your escapist tendencies you tend to overlook its repercussions.

#Native with mal placements or afflicted Saturn should never opt unethical means as this further makes a vicious cycle of pain and sorrows and one finds it very hard to come out of this.

Well, I can go on and on jotting down about the mysterious planet. But the only thing which I conclude my article with is that Saturn is the most unbiased planet which doesn't get flattered by any planetary remedies, rather it just works by the way your karma works. It has a tremendous potential to make rags to riches and vice versa, all based on your deeds. 

So according to me, it is just a neutral planet that gives you back what you give to the world. Hence whatever you receive good or bad, it is only because of the karmas you performed in the past or it the present birth and Saturn is the sole in charge of making you taste your own medicine.   

So guys make your life worth living and worth loving .....


This was my take on the planet Venus in a very general form without taking into consideration the other aspects of astrology such as placements, aspects, conjunctions, etc. Proper analysis of the entire birth chart is of utmost importance in the process of final prediction for the person concerned.

So don't get too excited or disheartened by the general outlook or effects of the planets. Astrology is much deeper than it appears. So enjoy the ride!!

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